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Sunny day in the paddock

"I think sometimes we need to take a step back and just remember we have no greater right to be here than any other animal"

David Attenborough

Our Mission: Rescue, Rehabilitation and Re-homing

To say that we love animals is an understatement! From a very young age, we have always felt so connected to all animals and cannot imagine our life without having a menagerie of four legged friends in it.

We have been involved with animal welfare for a long time, mainly through fostering and re-homing strays as well as fund raising for local animal rescue charities.

However, it has always been our dream to have an animal rescue centre and finally, after all this time, myself and my husband now have our own fledgling horse sanctuary.

In the space of a year since moving to France, we rescued ten equines, ranging from two foals to two veterans aged 29 and 31 years old. To think that these beautiful animals would have had to endure a horrendous 3 day journey to Italy without food or water and then to end their days at the Italian abattoir fills us with horror. To throw them on the scrapheap is in our mind wicked. Ours were lucky.

We also rescued smaller four legged friends: 5 cats and a dog.

They’re now safe and loved which gives us such joy.

But there are so many more we can be saving.

We are grateful for any donations, big or small, to help us care for our rescues and to raise money to buy more land so that we can save many more of these wonderful creatures.

Happy Tales is a non-profit organisation approuved under 1901’s french law.

Please see Our rescues tab to learn more about them.

You can come visit or help us! Message us for an appointement.