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LUNA - Early years

LUNA was born on the 29th March 2020, unfortunately on a very cold night. Mum Aube didn't show any signs of giving birth, but we knew she was on her way.

Her first few weeks were very difficult. She wasn't able to drink enough colostrum from Aube so she didn't take all the high levels of immunoglobulins, antimicrobial peptides, and growth factors that a foal needs. As a result, she couldn't stand up on her own. She was getting very weak and was slipping away. We decided to take turns getting her up every 45 minutes, including throughout the night, so she could have mum's milk. She started to become stronger but she had a potentially fatal infection.Because of that, Luna spent 2 weeks in the equine hospital for septic arthritis and had two operations. When she retunred back home, we had to give her injections every morning and evening.

Within a few days it was an absolute delight to see her galloping around and frolicking just like a young filly should.

A few weeks later, her BFF was born and she was able to do silly things like a typical filly, jumping every where, chewing everything we forgot to store ...

We chose for her to be naturally weaned and not to be separated her from mum like they do in the horse breeding industry.

Mum Aube was always aware of her well being in the herd to make sure she was thriving.

LUNA - Teenager

Over the years, Luna's character became stronger and she found her place in the herd.

Because of her tough start in life, she has a special relationship with humans. She's very sociable but does need firm boundaries as she's quite head strong.

When the time came for some training, we were not keen on the standard way of breaking in horses, so we chose a more gentle technique using the ethology method with a very kind and understanding trainer.

At the beginning it was like : "what do you expect from me?" But Luna started to enjoy her schooling and realised it could be fun.

Now she's a well behaved young horse, safe with us and hopefully one day we'll find her forever 5* home.

LUNA - Support

If you want to support our work with LUNA and our dedication towards horse rescuing, please donate.