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KRYSTALE - Early years

KRYSTALE was born on the 13th May 2020. Mum Daphne was so proud to show everyone her gorgeous chestnut baby.

A few hours later and a with a belly full of colostrum, she was able to trot around.

Krystale was a very healhty filly, protected by her mum who is head of the herd.

Like her BFF LUNA, we had to make sure everything was kept away from her mouth as she tried to chew anything she could.

What a good start in life with her beloved mum Daphne and a friend just 6 weeks older.

We chose for her to be naturally weaned and to not be separated from mum like they do in the horse breeding industry.

Mum Daphne was always aware of her well being in the herd to make sure she was safe and sound.

KRYSTALE - Teenager

She has became more independant but Daphne still likes to keep a protective eye on her.

She's very sociable with humans and loves to tease and play with our dog.

The time came for some training. We were not keen on the standard way of breaking horses in, so we chose the ethology method which is a more gentle approach.

Suspicious at the beginning, she began to realise the trainer wouldn't harm her.

Now she's a well behaved horse, ready for years ahead with us and maybe at some point with her new 5* forever home.

KRYSTALE - Support

If you want to support our work with KRYSTALE and our dedication towards horse rescuing, please donate.